
Ukrainian recipe posts on this blog describe dishes closely associated with Ukrainian cuisine or that we know originated in Ukraine.  Significant overlap with Russian cuisine exists.

Making homemade kvass steps

Kvass Sparkling fermented drink

Kvass sparkling fermented drink may seem strange at first to someone raised on sweet carbonated soft drinks. I remember being told it’s like beer made from bread. Considering the commonality of yeast in bread and beer, it’s not really all that strange. But kvass (квас) really has more in common with soft drinks than with beer, despite the pungent yeasty note as you bring the glass to your lips for a sip. It’s really quite refreshing and effervescent.

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Delicious hearty Ukrainian borscht

Delicious hearty Ukrainian borscht

There are several different kinds of borscht (борщ) which roughly speaking is beet soup. Beets are the unifying ingredient in most variations, although there are some soups called “borscht” which do not contain beets such as Green Borscht–a sour soup made with greens and vegetables. More often than not when you hear someone refer to borscht they mean a characteristically red, sweet-sour beet soup.

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